Thursday, May 10, 2012


1)WHO ARE YOU? We are an organization that people lovingly call "Agape".  The organization is called TAMI ASIA. TAMI means:The Agape Mission International TAMI also means in the Japanese language:"Helping People See" WHAT ARE THE THREE MAIN PILLARS OF THE WORK? 1.We are Helping Leaders "see" their potential in serving Jesus through Living-and-learning-together Leadership "Internships" "Aprenticeships" and "Volunteerism" 2.We are helping Children at risk "see" how they can be "Educated" through basic and primary  Christian Education because Education without Jesus Christ creates clever devils like Hitler etc. 3.We are helping Women at Risk "see" how they can be "Empowered"  through Market place skills because dependency is at the root of poverty which is the first cause for women being exploited and abused.